GEFA Butterfly Valves

GEFA Processtechnik GmbH Dortmund is a special manufacturer in the range of industrial valves and fittings, filtration technology as well as measuring and control technology. The enterprise was founded in 1964 as one of the first to manufacture three-piece ball valves, centric soft-seated and pneumatic piston actuators. In the field of filtration technology GEFA launched an innovative product range on the German market.
Double eccentric butterfly valve HG

Applications: Water, Waste water, plant engineering, food indusry, chemical/petrochemical Industry, pharmaceutical industry, Colouring, Varnish, Dyeing factories
Versions: HG1 wafer (Sandwich) and HG7 Lug-type
Size Range: 50-600mm (HU up to DN1200)
Face to face: DIN3202 – K1 (K2/K3), EN558 T1 – Raw 20 (25/16)
Materials: GS-C25, 1.4408, special materials on request
Seat materials: Metal, PTFE/Glas, PTFE/Carbon, PEEK, POM
Pressure class: PN10-PN40, ANSI 150/300, max. pressure 30barg.
Specials: The insert ring of the body efficiently protects the seat from the direct medium flow and prevents wear such as erosion and abrasion. A short face to face saves place and weight. GEFA Multitop Automation system: Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators.
Certification/Tests (optional): SIL, GOST-R, TA-Luft, FDA (PTFE and PTFE/Glas), Firesafe BS6755 T2, EN 10204-3.1
Leaflet HG as pdf
Standard documentation HG1 as pdf
Standard documentation HG7 as pdf
Pressure-/Temperature graph as pdf
Torques as pdf
Materials as pdf
KV-Values as pdf
Tripple eccentric butterfly valve HGT

Applications: Steam, superheated steam, hot water, hot gases, cooling water, exhaust gases, flammable medias, thermal oil, Bioethanol, process medias.
Sectors: long distance heating, Chemistry, Refinery, storage tanks, power statons, steel mill, sugar refinery, paper and cellulosed
Versions: HGT1 Wafer (Sandwich) and HGT7 Lug-type
Size Range: 80-300mm
Face to Face: DIN3202 – K1 (K2/K3), EN558 T1 – Raw 20 (25/16)
Materials: GS-C25, 1.4408, special materials on request
Sitzringe: fins 1.4571 / Graphite, special materials on request
Pressure class: PN10-PN40, ANSI 150/300, max. pressure 30barg.
Specials: The insert ring of the body efficiently protects the seat from the direct medium flow and prevents wear such as erosion and abrasion. A short face to face saves place and weight. GEFA Multitop Automation system: Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators.
Certification/Tests (optional):SIL, GOST-R, TA-Luft, Firesafe, EN 10204-3.1
Standard documentation HGT1 as pdf
Standard documentation HGT7 as pdf
Pressure-/Temperature graph as pdf
Torques as pdf
KV-Values as pdf
PTFE lined butterfly valve KG6/8 (K16/K18)

Applications: Water, Waste water, plant engineering, food indusry, chemical/petrochemical Industry, pharmaceutical industry, Colouring, Varnish, Dyeing factories
Versions: KG6 Wafer (Sandwich) and KG8 Lug-type
Size Range: 50-300mm (K16/18 up to DN600)
Face to Face: DIN3202 – K1, EN558 T1 – Raw 20
Materials: GG25, GGG40, GS-C25, 1.4571/1.4408
Seat materials: PTFE, PTFE/Carbon, PFA
Pressure Class: PN10/16 (Ansi 150) – fully tight at full differential pressure of 10bar, in accordance with the temperature (see graph!)
Variations: ductible PTFE/Carbon seat ring and earthing strap (with ATEX-Cert.).
Specials: Massive PTFE-seat ring (acc. DIN 3354 T5), free of dead space design, min. 3mm PTFE coating, TA-Luft, GEFA Multitop Automation system: Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators.
Certification/Tests (optional):TA-Luft, FDA, GOST-R, EN 10204-3.1
Standard documentation KG6 as pdf
S Standard documentation KG8 as pdf
Pressure-/Temperature graph as pdf
KV-Values as pdf
Soft seated butterfly valve KG9/7 (K19/K17)

Applications: Water, Waste water, plant engineering, food indusry, chemical/petrochemical Industry, pharmaceutical industry, Colouring, Varnish, Dyeing factories
Versions: KG9 Wafer (Sandwich) and KG7 Lug-type
Size Range: 50-300mm (K19/17 up to DN500)
Face to Face: DIN3202 – K1, EN558 T1 – Raw 20
Materials: GG25, GGG40, GS-C25, Stainless Steel
Seat Ring: EPDM, EPDM-white, FPM, NBR, Silicon
Pressure Class: PN10/16 (Ansi 150)
Specials: Very maintenance friendly:
easy and quick replacement of the seat due to the two-piece body, therefore low maintenance costs. Excellent control behaviour of the process flows without hysteresis with firm, play-free disc/stem connection and centric valve disc. Valve design cavity-free
makes simple sterile cleaning possible and choice of body material independent from the medium. GEFA Multitop Automation system: Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators.
Certification/Tests (optional):FDA, GOST-R, EN 10204-3.1
Standard documentation KG9 as pdf
Standard documentation KG7 as pdf
Pressure-/Temperature graph as pdf
Torques as pdf
FDA for EPDM as pdf
KV-Values as pdf
DVGW-butterfly valve KG2/KG4

Versions: KG2 Wafer (Sandwich) and KG4 Lug-type
Size Range: 50-300mm
Face to Face: DIN3202 – K1, EN558 T1 – Raw 20
Materials: GGG40
Seat ring: EPDM (DVGW Water), NBR (DVGW Gas)
Pressure Class: PN10/16 (Ansi 150)
Specials: Safe and reliable with DVGW-Type examination for water and GEFA Multitop Automation system: Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators.
Zulassungen/Zertifikate (tlw. optional): DVGW, EN 10204-3.1
Leaflet KG as pdf
Standard Documentation KG2 as pdf
Standard Documentation KG4 as pdf
Pressure-/Temperature graph as pdf
Soft seated Stainless Steel butterfly valve K11

Applications: for almost all medias, from use with acids to food and pharmaceutics.
Size Range: 25-150mm
Face to face: DIN3202 – K1, EN558 T1 – Raw 20
Materials: 1.4408
Seat ring: EPDM, EPDM-white, FPM, NBR, Silikon
Druckstufe: PN10/16 (Ansi 150)
Prüfabnahme: EN 10204-3.1 optional
Besonderheiten: GEFA Multitop Automation system: Exchangeable flange for direct mounting of actuators.
Certification/Tests (optional): FDA, GOST-R, EN 10204-3.1
Standard documentation K11 as pdf
Pressure-/Temperature graph as pdf