BW Black Pearl
The bw Black Pearl is an cost efficient soft seated butterfly valve with clever details. A furrow made inside the body results in a small operating torque and long life time of the seat ring, because the ring won’t be entrained as it will be on a standard valve. Die two-piece stem allows higher flow rates and smaller pressure losses.
Soft seated butterfly valve bw Black Pearl

Types: Wafer and lug type
Sizes: DN25-600 (Lug Type from DN50)
Design: EN558 raw 20 (DIN3202-K1)
Materials: Body GG25 or GGG40
Disc GGG40 (Rilsan) or Stainless Steel AISI316
Seat ring EPDM, NBR, Silicon, Viton
Stem Stainless Steel AISI316
Flanges: EN1092 PN6/10/16
Ansi B 16.15 Class 150
Production standard: acc. API-598 (EN12266-1,2)
Tests: EN10204 3.1